Possible for an onslaught of information, including a detailed basics section, Little ninja friends, for within this guide, you'll need to be as prepared as So grab your shurikens and strap on your katana, my Like this that make the game worth-while in the most important way possible There, Ayame is captured by the evil doctor, and starts from the top of theĬastle, having to escape via the bottom. Rikimaru has to get to Amagai Castle, climb up it and fight the evil doctor Points-of-view, and in an entirely different order. Through the same set of scenarios with both Rikimaru and Ayame, but from different
The interesting part of the game is that you are playing In Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven, you play as bad-ass ninja Stealth-action title rivaled only by the likes, this time around, of Metal Gear Playable characters over twenty-six unique in-game missions. Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven brings the series aįew steps farther, with increased graphics, skills, items and weapons, and three Tenchu 2 appeared on the Playstation, and were stealth-action games rivaled onlyīy the likes of Metal Gear Solid. Popular Tenchu series of ninja stealth games created by Activision. Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven is the third installment in the Welcome to the Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven wiki guide.