If you like to see everything at a glance, consider a supplementary notebook for equipment, features, and spell descriptions.Īnd maybe the best thing about these blank character sheets is that you can fill in your info without a PDF editor right in your web browser! You can save and edit whenever you want, no pen needed. However, the myriad of organized boxes and sections will fill up fast as you gain class features and loot interesting doo-dads. This site provides hypertext versions of various 2nd edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rulebooks and sourcebooks. character sheets, 76 3E character sheets, even 23 1E character sheets Below.
No treasure is generated although I do include spell books for spell casters. After all these years, I think I've developed a fairly comprehensive and flexible sheet for use with the 2nd. character sheet, its best to start at the top. AD&D 1E NPC Generator (beta) Quick and Easy NPC Stockers. I've been playing since I was 10 and have gone through many, many character sheets. a better printable character sheet -character inventory. So maybe you've been living in a box and haven't heard of Dungeons & Dragons. Basic stats, spellcasting sheets, and background/campaign notes – yay! new 1st Edition AD&D character creator Thread: new 1st Edition AD&D. Why mess with the classic? The official, WotC D&D character sheets found in the Players Handbook have all you need in a relatively clean package. If you use a link and buy something, I may get a commission at no extra cost to you. Hi! This post may contain affiliate links to online stores.